Monday 5 November 2018

Minimal pairs: /æ/ and /ʌ/

Ex. 1. Look at the following words containing the short vowel /æ/ and find their counterparts containing the short vowel /ʌ/.
ankle, bad, ban, bat, cat, dab, dad, dam, Dan, fan, hat, lack, mad, mash, nan, rag, ram, ran, rang, rash, rat, Sam, sap, stack, tag, tan

Ex. 2. Find five words which contain the vowel /ʌ/.

butcher, one, cute, look, plumber, rune, numb, body, minute, comb, crumbs, bury, Murphy, London, Boston, burn, room

KEY: Ex. 1. uncle, bud, bun, but (full form)/butt, cut, dub, dud, dumb, done, fun, hut, luck, mud, mush, nun, rug, rum, run, rung, rush, rut, some (full form), sup, stuck, tug, ton/tonne

Ex. 2. one, plumber, numb, crumbs, London

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