Tuesday 19 March 2019

Green: idioms and collocations

Since spring is coming, here are some idioms and collocations containing the word green in different meanings. The examples used below were found in The Free Dictionary at https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com

Ex. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words in capital letters so that the meaning changes as little as possible. You should also use the word green.

1. Jack was promoted very quickly even though he's very inexperienced. GRASS
2. After I got out of the roller coaster I was pale and sick. GILLS
3. We can't start the project till the boss tells us we can. LIGHT
4. Kate was very jealous when her friend showed her photos from Hawaii. ENVY
5. Grandpa is very good at gardening. FINGERS
6. The team needs good luck in order to win the next match. RUB
7. If you criticise Lord Kensington for his fox hunting, he'll be enraged. WIGS
8. Where ever did you get so dirty, Johnny? GOD'S
9. Friends should have some privacy between them. [proverb] HEDGE
10. The repair was very costly. [US English] FOLDING

1. Jack was promoted very quickly even though he's (as) green as grass.
2. After I got out of the roller coaster I was green about/around the gills.
3. We can't start the project till the boss gives us the green light.
4. Kate was green with envy when her friend showed her photos from Hawaii.
5. Grandpa has green fingers. (also: a green thumb)
6. The team needs the rub of the green in order to win the next match.
7. ... hunting, there will be wigs on the green. (a reference to duels in the days when aristocrats wore wigs)
8. Where on God's green earth did you get so dirty, Johnny?
9. A hedge between keeps friendship green.
10. The repair cost a lot of green folding. (US dollars)

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