Saturday 7 September 2019

Pronunciation of "e" and "e" with diacritic marks

Dear Readers, I'm back after a long break, ready to begin another year of teaching English pronunciation.

I looked up a few words in Cambridge Dictionary at while writing today's exercises.

Ex. 1 Put the following words in categories depending on the pronunciation of "e". Some words have more than one letter "e".

left, Pete, abdomen, crumpet, deck, women, den, trumpet, barren, neck, jet, psyche, kite, Crete, mete, shake, Swedish

1. /e/   2. /iː/  3. /ə/   4. /ɪ/   5. silent

Ex. 2 Choose the correct transcription of the following borrowings which contain the letter "e" with diacritics. Remember that we are interested in Anglicisation according to the rules of RP, not in the original French pronunciation.

1. pâté, 2. fiancé, 3. café, 4. cafetière, 5. cause célèbre

1. A. /peɪt/, B. /ˈpæt.eɪ/, C. /'pæt.i/
2. A. /fjɒns/, B. /fiˈɒn.seɪ/, C. /'fjæ
3. A. /kɑːf/,
B. /ˈkæf.eɪ/, C. /kɑː'f.eɪ/
A. /kəf.ə'tj.eə/, B. /ˌkæf.əˈtjeə/, C. /'kɑːf.ətj.ə/
5. A. /kəʊ. 'seləbə/,
B. /ˌkɔːz selˈeb.rə/, C /kɒs sə.ləb'.rɑː/


Ex. 1 1. /e/ left, deck, den, neck, jet 2. /iː/ Pete, Crete, mete, Swedish 3. /ə/ abdomen, barren,    4. /ɪ/ crumpet, women, trumpet, psyche (the allophone /i/)   5. silent Pete, kite, Crete, mete, shake
Ex. 2 All the options B are correct. 1. /ˈpæt.eɪ/, 2. /fiˈɒn.seɪ/, 3. /ˈkæf.eɪ/, 4. /ˌkæf.əˈtjeə/, 5.  /ˌkɔːz selˈeb.rə/

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