Saturday 19 October 2019

Silent "-e": words beginning with "w/wh"

Ex. a. Add an "-e" to the spelling of the following words to form new words and write the difference in the pronunciation of the vowel. Change the spelling from "w" to "wh" or conversely if necessary.

wad, wag, war, win, whip, wit, wok

b. Transcribe the following pairs of words phonemically.

will - while, whirr - wire, wall - whale, whiz - wise

a. wad-e /ɒ/ - /eɪ/, wag-e /wæg/ - /weɪdʒ/, war-e /ɔː/ - /eə/, win-e/whine /ɪ/ - /aɪ/, wipe /ɪ/ - /aɪ/, white /ɪ/ - /aɪ/, wok-e /ɒ/ - /əʊ/,
b. will - while /wɪl - /waɪl/, whirr - wire /wɜː/ - /waɪə/, wall - whale /wɔːl/ - /weɪl/, whiz - wise /wɪz/ - /waɪz/

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