Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Pronunciation of digraphs beginning with "o"

Ex. Below is a list of words containing "o" followed by another vowel letter (including "y"). How should they be pronounced? Are there any words in which "oo" are not inside one syllable?

OA boa, board, hoard, roar, soar, toad
OE doe, foe, poet, roe, shoe, toe
OI hoist, loiter, moist, oi!
OO book, cool, cooperate, loot, rook, soot,
OU bough, coup, doubt, gout, sought, through
OY boy, coy, oyster, Roy, soy, toy

OA /ˈbəʊə/, /bɔːd/, /hɔːd/, /rɔː/, /sɔː/, /təʊd/
OE /dəʊ/, /fəʊ/, /ˈpəʊɪt/, /rəʊ/, /ʃuː/, /təʊ/
OI /hɔɪst/, /ˈlɔɪtə/, /mɔɪst/, /ɔɪ!/
OO /bʊk/, /kuːl/, /kəʊˈɒpəˌreɪt/, /luːt/, /rʊk/, /sʊt/,
OU /baʊ/, /kuː/, /daʊt/, /gaʊt/, /sɔːt/, /θruː/
OY /bɔɪ/, /kɔɪ/, /ˈɔɪstə/, /rɔɪ/, /sɔɪ/, /tɔɪ/
The letters "oo" in "cooperate" belong to different morphemes, hence they are in different syllables. This is why they are not pronounced as /uː/ or /ʊ/.

The transcription comes from ToPhonetics: tophonetics.com.

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